Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday five

Everybody has their own soundtrack. If life is like a movie then it only makes sense. 

On the show Ally McBeal each character had their own internal theme song and at the time, somewhere between 1997 and 2002, mine was ABC, by the Jackson 5. Probably because I worked as a shelver at a library and it somehow seemed fitting (as well as motivating).  

These days I don't so much have one theme song as I have... five!

Madness by Muse has been running through my head almost constantly and one of the happiest moments I experienced recently was driving with the window open on spring while the almost theatrical song wailed defiantly on the radio.

Stay by Rihanna has also been on constant replay, in my mind at least, for the past week. I have to a admit a certain fondness, shall we say weakness, for music released by certain pop artists, like Rihanna, JLo and even, yes, Britney Spears, and this latest by RiRi is no exception. Catchy and melancholy. Gotta love it.

Thrift Shop by Macklemore, on the other hand, had to grow on me. The first time I heard the song, or rather saw the video, I thought it was a joke. Literally. And not a good one. Somewhere between that time and now it really grew on me... like mould, some might say.

I've had my grandfather on my mind lately and as such two of the songs that he used to sing while driving to the cottage have also been on my mind. I tried finding "perfect" versions, ones that really paid homage to my memories, but not surprisingly none do. Kalinka, written in 1860, and Ochi Chernye, interpreted from a poem originally written in 1843, are the songs.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.