Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New year, new tattoo

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. 

Whether it's the weather, the lack of exercise or the chicken I just couldn't say...  but I know that something (could it simply be me?) is off.

In an effort to "funk-off" I've taken a few steps, like getting rid of my television, joining a gym and eating healthier, to name but a few (um, who am I kidding?).

Also known as... all but the ONE STEP I really need to take!

While I don't believe in New Year's resolutions and actually spent a large portion of New Year's Eve rolling my eyes at the pathetic uplifting NYE resolutions and  proclamations splattered posted on facebook, I actually made one of my own... and posted it on the evil beast. 

But I cleverly disguised it in the form of a Jack Kerouac quote: "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." 

On that fateful night, at approximately 10:52 pm, I promised myself that I would do the ONE thing that I know will make me feel better. The ONE thing I've thought about, and talked about, for years. The ONE thing I want to do, and am meant to do, but for some unknown reason simply cannot do. 

And I'm not talking about getting a new tattoo.

I'm talking about writing a book.


I said it.

I've mulled over countless ideas (38 years is a pretty long time to mull) but I'm fairly certain my latest one is the best yet.

Cellular memory. Or transgenerational inheritance.

When I first visited a homeopath a few years ago she mentioned cell memory to me in relation to my health problems, anxieties, phobias and some nightmares I was having. At the time, cell memory believers hypothesized that memories get stored in individual cells which are then passed on through the generations.

As all of my (Polish) grandparents went though the Second World War, my homeopath believed that the traumas they experienced were passed on to my parents, and then me, through cell memory. She hypothesized that these traumatic memories were the root cause of my problems - health and otherwise.

When I mentioned this theory to people a few years ago they largely laughed it off but it looks like the "scientific" world is starting to agree with what homeopaths have been saying for years.

Fear can be inherited through sperm.

According to the now-proven theory, "animals inherit a memory of their ancestors' traumas and respond as if they had lived the events themselves." 

Cellular memory. Or transgenerational inheritance.

What's funny is that I have three tattoos. None of them are images - they all consist of characters, text or words. Now that I've finally decided to apply myself to my life's work, I finally want to get a tattoo with a picture - and no words.

An anchor and some cherry blossoms.

I think it's a sign...

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