Thursday, June 6, 2013

The empress has no clothes

I love looking into people's closets and apparently (sigh of relief) I'm not the only one because there is an entire website dedicated to the very concept: The Coveteur

Based in Toronto (who knew?) and absolutely addictive, the site provides a unique, behind-the-scenes look at celebrity style, and more, through beautifully photographed fashion vignettes and, of course, closets.

After a good friend recommended I watch The Eye has to Travel, a unique, behind-the-scenes look at Diana (pronounced Dee-anna) Vreeland's fascinating ascent to the top of the fashion chain (and fascinating private life) I am even more tempted to go "through the looking glass" and into wonderland.

Fashion wonderland that is.

So, in true coveteur style, welcome to my closet.

"I love nostalgia" are the first words pronounced by Vreeland in this stunning documentary and I couldn't agree more. 

Now if only I'd arranged to be born in Paris.