Monday, July 29, 2013

Seeing signs everywhere

Some (or even most) people like to take pictures of people. 

Then there are those who enjoy photographing landscapes... and such.

Then there's me... who can't get enough of signs!

 so clever!

Whether I'm travelling in Europe or walking around my hometown I often find myself drawn to signs.

I'm not sure if it's the images, the writing, or the combination of both, but I find signs fascinating and have accumulated quite a photo collection of them.


 stop and take some time to... do some art?

A sign can be one of many things. 

It can used to identify or advertise a place of business, to indicate the rules of the road or to express a feeling or thought. It can also refer to an object or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

I'm always looking for signs... of all varieties.

I've come face to face with a couple of interesting ones lately (again, of all varieties) and have thus decided to share a few... the ones I could photograph anyway.

My dad recently told me that we hailed from Gypsy stock so the following sign really caught my attention...

And just look at these... an adorable (and bilingual) missing dog and found tefilin (sic)...

According to Wikipedia and in case you're curious, tefillin (correctly spelled with two l's), also called phylacteries, are a "set of small, black, leather boxes which contain scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah."    

And finally, an artist who enjoys signs as much as I do.

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