Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The secret garden, part deux

Inspired by nature and unexpectedly left to my own devices, I recently made two recipes: vanilla cupcakes (care of Martha Stewart) and lobster risotto (care of IGA the SAQ).

I say inspired by nature because it seems as though the colours I recently captured in nature inspired me to make similarly-hued culinary delights.

Let me show you what I mean.

We had these beautiful pink buds, almost like cherry blossoms, adorn two trees in the backyard for about two weeks and I was so awed by their beauty (especially set against the bright blue sky and shining sun) that I had to Instagram them.

Subconsciously, I think the colours were painting a picture in my head because not long after I snapped these shots I looked up a long-forgotten Martha Stewart recipe for cupcakes and made them. 

This is how that looked.

In addition to being pretty to look at and easy to make they were also very tasty and I'd like to hone my cupcake-making skills to the point where I could attempt something like a red velvet or London fog.

But on to the lobster risotto. Like cupcakes, I had never made risotto before. Every time I go to IGA and it's available I pick up Inspired, their free magazine, and usually get inspired by at least one recipe. It started with my new favourite appetizer - olive, basil, clementine and prosciutto (in that order) brochettes - and was quickly followed by another; bacon-topped pea and mint crostinis.

But hold on a sec.

In doing a little on the spot research, also known as rummaging through my recipes while I think about the next thing to write, I noticed that the lobster risotto recipe actually came from Cellier, the free SAQ magazine.

Hmm. I'm detecting another trend here.

I think what inspired me to make the risotto in the first place (other than the fact that I had leftover lobster... poor me!) was another picture I had recently taken of an almost phosphorescent, fern-like (???) plant in the garden.    

The recipe didn't call for them but I added peas and was left with a delicious, nutritious lobster risotto.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


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