Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Soup of La Mancha

Unlike the Man of La Mancha, the soup of La Mancha (or rather gazpacho, an Andalusian specialty) is a delicious soup, served cold, consisting mainly of tomatoes. Other than its origins (Spanish) the Man of La Mancha has very little to do with the soup as it is, in fact, a musical based on the life of Don Quixote.

I discovered gazpacho early on in life and like with most good things have been making it ever since. I forgot about it for a while, mentally constricted as I was to the confines of the city, but something about the country air here reminded me of it and what an antidote it could be.

To a hot,  summer's day that is. 

Made of diced, puréed and then  chilled tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, garlic, a little apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper (or so my recipe goes), gazpacho is the perfect thing to make when the last thing you want to do is create more heat by turning on the stove or even worse, oven.

I've had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with pinterest of late, and that, combined with the heat and my inexorable laziness introspection, have led me to accomplishing less than I wanted to. I have ticked a few things off my summer to-do list though, including taking pictures of the quaint homes in the area. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the Gilmore Girls' town.

Other times, less so.

On a side note, Moving Day, Part Deux, the sequel and long-awaited summer blockbuster, comes out this Saturday! Wish me luck... 

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