Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

I've been somewhat MIA lately - and by somewhat I mean completely and by lately I mean since the end of November - but I'm finally back (I know... big sigh of relief, right?) and super excited about sharing my pictures from a recent trip to Playa del Carmen. I've been at a loss for words lately but figured I shouldn't let that get in the way of blogging. That's what pictures are for! 

Playa del Carmen is located in the Riviera Maya, in Mexico, and was always one of my favourite places to write about. Unlike other destinations I faux-travelled to under the guise of a virtual travel blogger named... oops, I almost forgot I can't say... it's a place I've actually visited a few times and absolutely love.

During my most recent visit, I spent a day strolling up and down famous Fifth Avenue, or La Quinta, to stock up on some day of the dead and lucha libre paraphernalia, went on a day-long catamaran trip, visited a quaint little necropolis (!) and enjoyed my all-time favourite tortilla soup on Isla Mujeres, or the Island of Women.

Last but most certainly not least, I snapped these for you!

 Now what was that about tortilla soup?